Saturday, May 30, 2009

GENTING di pagi bute !!!

dlm aku dok tgk2 picture dl latop acai neyh, terjumpe plak gambar mase lepak genting ari tuh...tak silap wa la, last year kot...haahhaha...just wanna share the moment eith my followers... malam tuh lepak umah wan dilah, then alang2 naikje la genting tuh coz tgh baring nampak je cahaya2 neon kat genting tuh mcm memanggil gitu, end up kiteorg drive naik gentingwith 3 cars at 2am in the morning and came down at 4am....hahahahah...crazie !!!!!

tgk le gelagat gelagat kami mase kat sana...mcm tak penah jejak GENTING !!!!

another boring SUNDAY @__@

what a boring SUNDAY today.... pe lagi update blog la keje aku, sambil layan TERMINATOR !!!!... old time fav movie... esok keje !!!!... adoi malas betol laa..... keje banyak, plus everyday gaduh thru email...WTF !!!!... tensi tensi tensi... ingatkan pegi fitness can calm me down by seeing my CAPTAIN !!!!...but he no more there... dunno where he go... opis is so upside down now with the downturn of the company...everyone is leaving n changing..... what evr happens, i will be there until i found the suitable job for me !!!!.....


kerana terlalu bosan, im doing some reading on my company...which is APL...actually they didnt call it APL anymore...they have commersialaize it to APL SERVICES....our office is part of the APL and known as NOL Global Services...i found some of the logos that they use from 1938 until now...interesting stories but too bored to read it...hahahaha...

PASS !!!!! tit...tit.....

inila pass keje stok2 paling bosan di malam minggu...dok update menda2 tak paedah !!!...hahahahahah......

bosan nye !!!!
so untuk mengisi mase bosan ku, pe lagi...SNAP GAMBAR !!!!
hahah..aku bukak purse comel ku, lalu ku keluarkan important card yg ade dlm tuh...
ku susun, lalu ku snap !!!
hehehehe....banyak nye cards aku....CREDIT CARD je yg tak de...
ader IC, kad bank, n my membershipd card !!! love them !!!


BYE BYE FAIZ ~ !!!!!
sedih + gembira bile FAIZ dpt pegi GFC....
anyway congrats sbb naik pangkat !!!!!hehehe......
anyway, FAIZ la org yg pertama yg ajar aku kat APL ...mcm, die ne TEACHER aku la...huhuh...
bagus orgnye...hikhik...cheewahhh, memuji plak...ader pa per keh neyh..??? aik ???

we're INBOUNDS ape lagi, buat la farewell party tok die kat KENNY ROGERS !!!!
bayar sendiri2.....tak pe la...yg aku naik angin nye, waiter kat KENNY ROGERS MIDVALLEY tuh kurang ajar gile...ulang suara yek...KENNY ROGERS MIDVALLEY.!!!! GAMPANG ANAK HARAM...!!!!!... bleh tak seorg pelayan kurang ajar ngn customer.????....the words that he said really make us angry n we were planning to get him back !!!!...dunno how but will plan in the
future....just wait n see....okeh, habis cite tuh....

balik je opis, snap la gambar bersama yg diraikan....tetibe dpt berita yg FAIZ kena daftar diri kat GFC on 8th June.!!!! bukan 1st June, cit..penat je buat farewell but anyway horray !!!!...senang hati nak cuti panjang nti....heheheheh.....


16TH JUN lepas kiteorg pegi le BOH 80 years anniversary kat ZOO NEGARA....hahahah....wat a suprise, after 15 years baru dpt datang sini balik....mcm dulu just sikit sikit ada ubah...terima kasih kepada maksu coz invite kiteorg join as participant...smua yg pegi ari tuh actually dieorg recrut everyone thru online, but us, dtg mcm nak bersantai...hahahhaha...kembung perut kot minum TEH !!!!!.at the same time gak, its the first ime for Daniel !!!...seronok nye die...besela....kat sana tak banyak snap gambar coz i didnt charge my camera bat..!! SHIT !!!!......just sempat snap 1 the entrance....jadik la....

anyway, happy 80th anniversary to BOH.!!!!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

PINK is TAKEN !!!!

2 MEI merupakan tarikh keramat untuk maksu yg telah melangsungkan perkahwinannye bersama jejaka pilihan hati iaitu HARUN !!!!...
congrats to both of u....

just want to upload some of the pics taken mase hari PINKY !!!!....mmg fav kaler die n fav flower is ROSE !!! ENGLISH LADY... abesla ko HARUN !!!!....

neway sis, u look berseri seri hari tuh n cantik banget !!!!.....


destinasi pada cuti hari buruh yg lepas adalah KULIM n PENANG...
actually kepergian kami ke kULIM adalah untuk menziarah sedara ku @ abang kepada bapaku yg sebelum neyh sakit, but getting better now...then alang2 kesana singgah la umah sedara di sana...

YANG PENTING..!!! tetibe gua tak terkata apa2 coz ternampak benda kat bawah neyh, sepeti ku kenal...AMAZING N WOW !!!!

then perjalan kami diteruskan ke can smell cd from accross the sea oredi..hehehehe....pegi naik feri balik naik jambatan...dah nama pon DIVA, mana2 mesti nak snap picture...wooo~....

BATU FERRINGHI is my fav place la kan...HEAVEN is there !!!!!..what a collections i bought almost 10 dvds !!!!...then KAK IZA banje wa magnet where it was cute !!! THANKS..!!!

my GYM mates.. ^_^

ini adalah diantara muke muke GYM mates aku merangkap kawan kawan kuu...kiteorg la penyeri GYM tuh sebenarnye...ngeh3...we were inside the locker room and afta the workout...belum ada kesempatan lagi amik pics mase workout....huhuh...

its MINDY on the left...alone n luks like GHOST !! ahhh.....!!!
then it was ME n WANTIN....huahauha..kami terpedaya dgn PENG !!!
lastly ist ME n KALAI..TAKUT..!! TAKUT..!!!..heheheheh


here are some pics of my kubikel di opis...
hahahah...semak dan best !!!!

OUTLOOK ku hang... SHIT..always like dis...

NUR MARINA !!!!...secantik orgnye...hahahaha....

PERFECT ATTENDANCE tao....jgn men men...